Thursday, 22 March 2012

Oh, Look, Another Witty Blogger

Rapture's nothing but bullshit. That's just a scare tactic used by DJay32 to get us to convert. It may have worked in the slenderverse, but we're civilized now. Now, we'


Yeah, hey. I'm the White Jester. I've gotten really tired of hearing "Wah, wah, lookit me, I'm a fictional blogger, I'M REAL even though I'm fictional, listen to meeeeee." So I'm gonna lay it with you simply, kay? I am not a real person; "The White Jester" is a fictional pseudonym for Jordan Dooling, the protagonist of OH GOD THE RAPTURE IS BURNING, and I am neither him nor related. I am not here to be stalked by Fears; Fears are not real. I am not here to use Fears metaphorically; that's fancy shit and I'm not a writer. I am a blogging personality, and I am here to cushion your safe little tushies when they hit the cold, hard ground of fiction after floating around in the bullshit clouds of "realism."

Again, I am not DJay32. I am not Jordan Dooling. I do not even know him. I have merely read his works, and.. well, I've named myself after a character of his. But believe me, I don't exactly like the guy. The same with alliterator, the same with Lizard Bite, the same with Omega, the same with CuteWithoutThe, the same with LoveHopeRainbows and with Amy, you name the blogger and it's the same with them. I don't like these people; I'm simply devoting an entire blog to talking about you. don't get any ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Who is this "alliterator" person? He sounds handsome.
